"Let me breathe the scent of your hair for a long, long time, immersing my whole face in it, like a weary man in spring water. Your hair contains a whole dream, full of veils and masts; it contains great seas whose monsoons carry me...

"Like a ship awakening In the morning wind, My dreamy soul sets sail For a distant sky. Your eyes, where nothing is revealed Neither sweet nor bitter, Are two cold jewels where Gold with iron." (Baudelaire - The Dancing Serpent)...

"And his arm and leg, and thigh and loins, Polished like oil, undulating like a swan, passed before my clear-sighted and serene eyes; And her belly and her breasts, these clusters of my vine, stepped forward, cuddlier than the Angels of Evil, To disturb the repose of my soul, And to...

"Angel full of beauty, do you know wrinkles, And the fear of growing old, and that hideous torment To read the secret horror of devotion In eyes where our greedy eyes have long drunk? Angel full of beauty, do you know wrinkles?" (Baudelaire - Reversibility - from F to M)...

"Are you emerging from the black abyss or descending from the stars? Destiny follows your petticoats like a dog; You randomly sow joy and disaster And you rule everything and answer for nothing." (Baudelaire - Hymn to beauty)...

"Whether you come from heaven or hell, it doesn't matter, O beauty! huge, frightening, ingenuous monster! If your eye, your mouse, your foot, open the door for me Of an Infinite I love and have never known?" (Baudelaire - Hymn to beauty)...